After putting so much work into converting your camper van, there may be a time when you must sell it. The resale value may not be as high as you want, but there are ways to increase it. Read on for more information on how to increase your conversion van’s resale value.
Add Upgrades
Upgrade your camper to improve the next van owner’s quality of life. Your conversion van’s value will increase when you implement upgrades, such as an updated kitchen for easier cooking or solar panels on the roof for an efficient energy source. Upgrades that add space, such as a roof rack, will also increase the van’s selling price.
The type of van and upgrades for that type will also make it more valuable to buyers. A Ford Transit is a great van with a comfortable amount of space and windows for viewing the outside. Add a Ford Transit bug screen, and the people who want to buy the van will appreciate the added safety benefit from pests that try to get in. People want the most secure place to sleep outdoors, and a bug screen is a great addition that will increase the van’s resale value.
Maintain the Outside
Although you shouldn’t judge a book by its cover, people will judge the outward appearance of your van when they consider buying it. A vehicle’s resale value will partially depend on its exterior maintenance. A conversion van with dents, scratches, and chipped fenders won’t sell for much money.
Ensure you stay up-to-date on your van maintenance. People will find a well-maintained vehicle attractive, so maintaining the exterior will increase the resale value of your conversion van. Buff out any scratches and use rust cleaner to help the van look cleaner for potential buyers.
Seal All Holes in the Walls
The interior may have holes from past installments that involved drilling in screws. These holes will need sealing to help the van’s interior look better. Holes will cause heat to escape and cold to creep in during the winter, making it difficult to stay warm and causing the new owner to waste heat. Cover the holes with a plastic hole plug-in button and use epoxy resin with a hardener to seal them in place and prevent them from opening.
Conversion vans are valuable vehicles, and when you want to increase your resale value, you’ll need to use these ways to help you. You should get the most out of your camper van, and its market value will be higher when you maintain it.